In a world that’s becoming increasingly competitive and fast-paced, the importance of soft skills cannot be overstated. The ability to communicate effectively, work in teams, and lead with confidence are qualities that can shape the destiny of young minds. Recognizing this, Jyotiswarnim Welfare Society, in conjunction with Alien Paradox Technologies LLP, Ausskill International Hotel School, Enroll Me Now, and the Elite Educational Welfare Society, undertook a transformative mission to impart these essential life skills to Class 5 students at the Government Primary School in Chandchak Chowk, Dehradun. What made this initiative even more special was the presence and mentorship of the Chief Managing Director of Alien Paradox Technologies LLP.

Fostering Tomorrow’s Leaders
Group of Kids

The program, held on October 18, 2023, was a testament to the power of collaboration and the commitment to community development. As industry leaders and welfare societies came together, the goal was clear: to empower the young students with the skills they need to not only succeed academically but also excel in life beyond the classroom.

The Alien Paradox Touch
The Chief Managing Director of Alien Paradox Technologies LLP, Mr. Vivek Kumar Sharma, a visionary in the tech industry, played a pivotal role as a mentor. With their experience and expertise, they shared insights into the world of soft skills and leadership, igniting a spark of inspiration among the children.

Unveiling the Secrets of Soft Skills
The program was a dynamic mix of interactive workshops and engaging activities designed to bring out the best in the students. They learned the art of effective communication, understanding the power of body language, and the significance of teamwork. These are skills that can shape their future, and the hands-on experience was invaluable.

A Collaborative Triumph
Collaborative Group

The collaboration between Alien Paradox Technologies LLP, Jyotiswarnim Welfare Society, Ausskill International Hotel School, Enrol Me Now, and the Elite Educational Welfare Society was an embodiment of the community spirit. It showcased the impact that can be made when multiple entities join forces for a common cause – the empowerment of the future generation.

A Path to Personal Growth
The smiles on the faces of the students were a testament to the success of this initiative. They left with a sense of newfound confidence, equipped with skills that will stay with them for a lifetime. The program not only broadened their horizons but also instilled a sense of ambition and aspiration within each child.

The Journey Continues
As we reflect on this incredible journey of empowerment, we’re reminded of the profound impact that unity and education can have on the lives of young individuals. Alien Paradox Technologies LLP, Jyotiswarnim Welfare Society, Ausskill International Hotel School, Enrol Me Now, and the Elite Educational Welfare Society remain committed to nurturing the potential within every child.

This soft skill program was not just an event; it was a transformational experience that will have a lasting impact on the students of Govt. Primary School, Chandchak Chowk, Dehradun. The flame of knowledge and inspiration has been lit, and it will continue to burn brightly, guiding these young minds towards a future filled with promise and success.

In a world where soft skills are invaluable, these young talents now have the tools they need to shine. They are the future leaders, and we’re excited to see them reach new heights.

ज्योतिस्वर्णिम वेलफेयर सोसायटी


Oct 18, 2023 @ 10:00 am 
Oct 18, 2023 @ 5:00 pm


0135 – 3503290


Govt. Primary School, Chandchak Chowk, Dehradun