About us

We make the best for our society

What is Charity all about

A better life for young women can mean many things. A girl who completes her schooling grows into a woman who is better able to look after her health and that of her children. By finishing schooling herself, she will care more that her children finish theirs and be better able to support them while they are in school

Jyotiswarnim Welfare society "Ek kadam Manavta ki Aur"

We are trying to do the right thing, at the right time

Like the world-changers who support our organization, we are focused on making a long-term impact by helping people living in poverty. We have a bold vision: graduating healthy, educated, empowered and employed young adults from our program.

The students supported by our programs face major barriers to accessing education; many are orphaned, living in extreme poverty or dealing with other difficult family circumstances.

key outcomes

What makes us diferent?

Community centers

We are building many centers in India. There, people get access to education centers, medical offices, libraries, playgrounds and more. 

Data-driven approach

We track measurable progress with a research agency to prove we’re making a real impact on our society.


Programs change by age and country to ensure that our people graduate healthy, educated, empowered, and employed.

Mr. Manveer Kumar

“I always work with prayers, integrity, honesty, and faith. My grass-roots approach to change allows us to know the people, the problems, and the potential of each community we serve.”

Mrs. Jyoti

“To be of benefit to all people who need the support of the greatest goal in my life.”


Meet our leadership team

Mrs. Pooja Pokhriyal

Mrs. Meenakshi Asthana

Mr. Prawesh
Kumar Kohli

Sonal Garg

“He that plants trees loves others besides himself.”

Seema Sharma

“I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.”


Meet our volunteer

Vajanti Mala

“He who has never denied himself for the sake of giving, has but glanced at the joys of charity.”

Deepika Gaur

“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken.”

Shikha Rajpal

“I found that ultimately if you truly pour your heart into what you believe in — even if it makes you vulnerable — amazing things can and will happen.”

Amarjeet Kaur

“Charity begins at hame, but shouldna end there.”

Donate now

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Personal Info

To make an donation toward this cause, follow these steps:




To Direct Bank Transfer, follow these steps::
A/c Holder - Jyotiswarnim Welfare Society
A/c Number - 10073147387
IFSC Code - IDFB0021231

After the conformation, you get the receipt or you can mail the transaction slip to "support@jyotiswarnimsociety.com"

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!

Donation Total: ₹10.00


Be the change for one child:


Hello, my name is Michael and I am 7 years old and I want to be an astronaut when I grow up.


Hello, my name is Isaiah and I am 12 years old and I want to be a doctor when I grow up.


Hello, my name is Samantha and I am 6 years old and I want to be a ballet dancer when I grow up.

Our causes

We help more than 10K+ People every year